> 旅游 > 去北京旅游用英语




When it comes to talking about my trip to Beijing in English, there are two common expressions I can use. First, I can say \"I went to Beijing for travel last summer.\" This sentence clearly conveys the information that I visited Beijing specifically for the purpose of traveling. Alternatively, I can also say \"I went to Beijing to travel last summer,\" which has the same meaning but with a slightly different word order.


As a fan of American TV shows, I am familiar with English spoken in the United States. To answer this question, the English name for Beijing can be expressed in two ways: Beijing and Peking. Both of these names are correct, but why is there a difference? It is because of the historical reasons behind it. Peking is the old Romanization of the Chinese characters for Beijing, which was commonly used in English before the adoption of the pinyin system. Nowadays, Beijing has become the more widely accepted and commonly used English name for the Chinese capital.
